Thursday, March 31, 2011

Top Five List :D

There is a lot of top five lists that I could go on about, but I feel like my top five books I have read seems fitting. Now I do not tend to read many books a pass time, however there are some times that I read books for fun (weird right?). It goes by top picks

To start off my first favorite book I have read would be “October Sky.” This book was an autobiography written about a boy dubbed “Sonny” who lived in a mining town in the mountains of west Virginia. Ever since Sonny saw Sputnik in the sky he wanted to work at NASA alongside his idle Dr. Werner Von Braun a rocket scientist. However the town he came from was that you graduated high school and became a miner. This is a truly inspirational book because out of all of the odds against him Sonny worked hard and eventually accomplished his dream of working at NASA. It is my first pick because it just goes to show that you can do anything as long as you believe in yourself and never let anything stop you from doing it.

My Second Favorite book is “The House of the Scorpion.” It is actually an interesting story to how I got to read this book. Long ago somebody left this book under their desk and when I came in it was under mine. So I said finder’s keepers and hey I had a free book. Well since it looked so darn nice I decided to read it. It was actually a nice fiction story set in the future about a boy who was cloned to give this ancient wealthy drug his parts he needed. In essence he was grown for body parts. Well this wasn’t the first clone this drug lord had. But this boy was special; he got to live by escaping. Eventually the drug lord dies and the clone lives a productive life after everybody dies in the funeral. It is probably the only book I read more than twice.

My Third favorite book would be “Were the Red Fern Grows.” I was forced to read it in school; however I found that it was actually nice and chose to read it again later. It is about man remembering when he was a boy who lives in a small town and has barely any money to his name. Well this boy got older and wanted to hunt. He asked his parents for money to buy hunting dogs, but they said we don’t have the money. So he raised money over two years and got him two fine hunting hounds. Then he trained them. They were good raccoon hunting dogs; in fact they won the hunting games. But one night of hunting they were attacked by a mountain lion. One dog dies, and then the other can’t live without the other, so it dies. And now the boy has no dogs that he worked so hard for. Then he moved out of the town, but when he came back to his town years after. He went to the burial ground to find that a red fern had grown in between the deceased dogs and that had a story behind it, but case in point it was given by angels. It is a nice book however it is sad also.

My Fourth Favorite book would be “Hatchet.” This book is about a nightmare situation that this boy gets into. His mom and dad are divorced, and over the summer he gets to see his dad who works in Canada. Well his mom gave him a hatchet to take with him to see his dad. Well on the plane ride there the pilot suffers a heart attack and dies, sets the plane off course and crashed in a lake. Nobody could find him so the boy had to learn to survive by himself. With help from his hatched he made fire, hunted, and shelter. Without the hatchet he would have been most likely dead. However a tornado came through the woods and hit the lake exposing the plane. And he went to the plane got the emergency pack and accidentally left the emergency transmitter on and was rescued. The thing that I learned from this book is that anything could happen. But don’t take anything you have for granted because you could lose it.

Finally my fifth favorite book would be “Velocity” which is a very cool thriller book. Were this random guy his tracked down by serial killer. The serial killer messes with him by killing this innocent woman to whom he laid the fate of in his hands, a slow or fast death. The killer is known to have female victims. Then he sends a guy over to his house to tell him to keep playing his game. Then the psycho kills the guy he sent to his house in his bathtub. So he has to hide it from the police by dumping it in a volcano shaft. Case in point the protagonist has a race against time to find and stop the killer before he gets killed himself. It was a good book that keep me on the edge of my seat with every page.


  1. Interesting choices. Can't say I've read them (I have not) although I have heard of a few of them. Thanks for sharing.

  2. totally following you...alot of similarities in likes. can not wait to read Velocity... thanks for the picks
