Thursday, February 17, 2011

Getting Your Feet Wet

About a week ago I took a step into the dark side. Well I don’t know if it’s dark but I do have my eyes closed. Last week I received my very first credit card from Discover. The only reason that I have this is because I was told that I have to establish credit somehow. Credit is apparently useful for loans and so forth. I find myself not having to worry about it, but most likely I will in the future. So an application was filled out and weeks after that I receive my very own credit card.
Just looking at it makes me cringe. I have seen too many horror stories about credit card usage. Plus know I feel I am at risk for identity theft. It’s just that I have done way too many reports on theft and massive debt. I feel that it can be turned into a positive if I just learn responsibility.
Speaking of responsibility, I have had so many impulses to buy stuff every since I got it. Well, they are just thoughts not actions. It took me a week to buy something with it after activating it. Then all I bought was at three dollar bag of chips. I guess it’s just the feeling that you have infinite money at your disposal. That is how so many other people got into debt.
So I say to myself it is just like spending you own money. You can only spend what you have. Believe me, I hate spending money. I probably got the cheapskate in me from my dad. I absolutely hate spending the money I worked so hard and dear for.
This credit card might turn out to be a good thing after all. If I just can keep track of spending and manage my accounts. Then yeah, it should be a breeze.

1 comment:

  1. I got my first credit card about a year ago, i only use it for gas and pay it off right away. It works well im not in thousands of dollars in debt
