Monday, May 16, 2011

Why oh Why?

Is anybody up for some self-esteem boosting? My suggestion is to start up your car and move you way on down to you local Wal-Mart. However if you feel like saving on gas I would recommend surfing you way to It is hard to believe that people would stoop to such a low level and go out like that in public. Either they don’t care or they don’t know better. Anyways is a great way to get a laugh or make you feel like the king/queen of England. It appears that low prices draw the creatures from the dark side into the fluorescent lighted aisles of cheap made in china products. Below I will provide you with some examples of the people of Wal-Mart. But feel free to go to for “infinite lolz.”

Say NO to Crack, and that job app.

Excuse me but you have a carpet on your head.


and so on......

A Wind of Inspiration

Have you ever seen the show, “Hoarding: Buried Alive?” Well it is on TLC channel, I think, and it is a show about people with hoarding disorders. Having a hoarding disorder, a person will refuse to throw away any thing they hold in possession. Also they tend to buy more then they need. So their house begins to fill up with junk that they think is precious family heirlooms. So they eventually have to clean up their houses after receiving a notice of their house being condemned.
Even though I do not have a hording disorder I can take a peek at my room and think that if I don’t do anything to fix it may become over run with junk and infested with ants. So as warm weather approaches I take my inspiration to clean my room before disaster happens. That means breaking out the shop vacuum and a giant trashcan. After many laborious hours, I can actually see my carpet and walk through my room without tripping over clutter.

Even at best when I watched that show, it made me feel a lot better about myself because, compared to them I look like a person with OCD. To show you here is a picture of a house with a hoarder.

Btw this is NOT my room :P

Gone Fishing

They say that if you give a man a fish then he will eat for the day, but if you teach the man to fish then he can eat for a life time. Well, a couple weeks ago I picked up a new past time and that is fishing. The idea came to me like a cool breeze. I figured that since the summer is coming if would need something to do in the nice weather. Between nine credit hours of summer school and a part time job, I figured I needed something else to do.

The basics of fishing are not that hard actually. I find the hardest part is putting the hook on the line. Hooks are meant to be sharp and man are they. One foul move and there is a insanely sharp piece of metal in your finger (speaking from personal experience here). I tend not to use live bait because I would not want to be a worm speared several times over just to be drowned in the water or eaten alive. So I find that synthetic baits will suffice in catching fish. Speaking of catching fish the little rascals are harder to get off the hook then on. They have needle like fins they use to spear my fingertips at any given chance. But at least they get put back in to the water afterwards.

As of this given moment I have caught four whole fish. I would starve if I had to live off of that. But I am looking forward to summer and all of the good times that await me ahead. Have a safe summer y’all.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fractured English

As modern technology makes the world smaller and communication faster things are bound to shorten up a bit. Like our English skills for example has been blown into little itty bitty bits by instant messaging. Everybody has at least one time sent a message that looked like this, “r u rdy 2 prty?” I think it is just a matter of being lazy. Also we have developed a language in our language that everybody has seen at least once or twice. What I am talking about its 31337 or 1337 speak. This is where numbers/symbols are letters. Here is a helpful (but not limited to) code: 4=a, 8=b, <=c |)=d, 3=e, |= =f, 6=g, #=h, 1=I, ]=j, |<=k, 1=l, /\/\=m, /\/=n, 0=o, 9=p 9=q, |2=r, 5=s, 7=t, (_)=u, \/=v, \/\/=w, %=x, ‘/= y, 2=z. 50 /\/0\/\/ ‘/0(_) |
Don’t forget about our internet slang abbreviations. Noted in the dictionary “lol” is abbreviation for laughing out loud. This in my book is one of the most over used words. Lol has brothers too: Rofl (rolling on the floor laughing), lmao (laughing my 455 off), Roflmao (rolling on the floor laughing my 455 off), gtg (got to go), brb (be right back), afk (away from keyboard), ttyl (talk to you later), ttfn (ta ta for now), and the list goes on and on. Then we finally reach the creative end of the internet emoticons. These are used to express the persons feelings or use of contex kind of like being sarcastic. Your are garbage :P. The little tongue out probably means they are just kidding or ‘jk-ing’ Use your imagination for these :-) :) L L ^_^ -_- >_< :D :O :P ;) ;-) :’( d(^_^d) thumbs up ( :: [] ::) and there is thousands m04r. So yeah the internet and instant communication has probably d00me3d the g3n3r47ion of tmmrw lol jk idk…:P